G's FB Pool - Covid Contingencies

This has been a strange year and there are numerous situations that could occur which could impact this pool. The following guidelines will be used when one of these situations occur.

A game or multiple games are canceled in a given week

  • If time permits, players will be alerted and requested to modify their picks to remove the cancelled games. If a player is unable to update their picks prior to the deadlines, then their picks will be updated automatically by moving up all picks below the cancelled game by one point. The first tiebreaker game will become the 1 point pick. (Note: The first tiebreaker will be the first game in the order that they are listed on the web page that does not have points assigned to it.
  • If a player has selected a team as their KnockOut pick and that game is cancelled, their pick will be adjusted to the team that is favored by the most points that is still available to them. If there is a tie amongst multiple teams with the same point spread, then the team with the better record will be selected. If there is still a tie then the team listed first on the schedule will be used.

If the season is canceled prior to 10 weeks being completed

  • Main Contest: There will be no End of Season payouts. All money will be returned minus the weekly payouts that have already occurred. For example, If there are 100 people in the pool and the season lasts four weeks. Then there will be (100 * $50) or $5,000 contributed minus (4 * $100) $400 distributed in weekly payouts. The remaining $4,600 will be distributed evenly to the 100 players.
  • King of the Hill and Knockout Contests: If these contests have not completed, then the prize money for each contest will be distributed evenly to all the players that are still active in the contest.

If the season is canceled after 10 weeks have been completed

  • Main Contest: If we compete at least 10 weeks then we will payout the End of Season payouts based on the standings when the season is cancelled. The remaining weekly payouts will be used to create additional payouts of $50 each. For example, if the season is cancelled with 3 weeks remaining, the $300 that would have been used for weekly payouts will be converted to 6 additional $50 places for the end of season standings.
  • King of the Hill and Knockout Contests: If these contests have not completed, then the prize money for each contest will be distributed evenly to all the players that are still active in the contest.

Additional Notes

  • Main Contest: In the End of Year payouts I generally pay 1 place for every 10 players in the pool. It looks like we will be down in numbers this year so we will likely only pay 12 or 13 places at the end of the year.