King of the Hill Contest Rules

Contest #1

  • Entry Fee ($5) due by September 18, 2021
  • Starts with the games of Week #3
  • Your 10 and 9 point picks are what you will use. Get either one correct to advance to the next week

Contest #2

  • Entry Fee ($5) due by the week #10 deadline
  • Starts with the games of Week #10
  • Your 10 point pick is the only one that counts. Get it correct to advance to the next week


  • Winner take all (except in the case of a tie. See TieBreaker section below)

Weekly picks

  • All games will include point spreads. A tie is considered a loss.
  • Failure to submit picks for a week will eliminate you from the contest.

Scoring/Questions/Tie Breakers

  • If all remaining players are eliminated on the same week, the winner will be determined by the highest weekly point total for that week (normal weekly 55 point scoring). The next tiebreaker will be the total games picked correctly for the week. If it's still tied, the prize will be split.
  • (Contest #1) - If more than one player makes it through the entire season, the total points accumulated for 10 and 9 point games for weeks 3 through the end of season will be the tiebreaker. If that results in a tie, the prize will be split.
  • (Contest #2) - If more than one player makes it to the end of the season, the prize will be split
  • Once eliminated, you are out for the remainder of the contest.